Briskbars: Wake your Senses…product review.

Disclosure: I received this product complimentary in exchange for an honest, and fair product review. The thoughts in this blog are my own.



I regularly use energy/protein/nutrition bars. Reason being is that they are a healthier alternative to candy/junk foods. Had the chance to try an Energy bar from Briskbars.



I am new to Briskbars, and maybe so are you. So what are Briskbars? This product is a plant based energy bar. Oh this product is also vegan friendly bar. Where does the energy come from? Well it’s plant based. Energy comes from plants such as guarana berries, and maca. Briskbars has only 100 calories, 4grams of sugar with 5g of protein.



Yes all of the above facts sounds pretty cool, but how does it taste? I find Briskbars to be delicious. Like that the taste of this bar is very balanced, and it’s not to sweet. Texture of this bar is good also it’s not to hard or too soft. Oh another thing is it won’t get your hands stained or sticky. Like to keep bars such as this in my bag, and in the car as a healthier alternative. At first I was nervous to get jitters from this bar, but did not experience that at all. Actually enjoyed eating it.



I really have enjoyed eating, and experiencing this product. So far Briskbars has one flavor the Dark chocolate & coconut. They are working on more flavors which I’m excited about. Another thing to know is that Briskbars fairly prices their product, and that makes it more affordable to snack healthy. Please visit Briskbars homepage with the link provide below. Shall also include a link to purchase them on amazon.

Visit Briskbars:
Buy Briskbars on Amazon:

Just want to thank Briskbars for allowing myself to try their products. Additionally I wan’t to thank Tomoson for letting me know about Briskbars. Finally want to thank my friends for stopping by my blog. Have a blessed day, and stay warm.